Tag Archives: Allergies

When your child is exercising

They should wear loose , comfortable clothes. Layers are good as they can take off a layer as they start to warm up or add a layer as they cool down. They should wear appropriate shoes or trainers. You can check the pollen count and pollution levels before they exercise outdoors. You can get daily […]


Around 45% teenagers will have tried alcohol at some time. The average age of a child’s first unsupervised drink of alcohol is 14 years old. How does alcohol affect asthma? Some people are allergic to additives in alcohol (ethanol, sulphites , histamine and egg or seafood proteins which can be used in the manufacturing process) […]

Younger children

Younger children in the family: May not understand why their brother/sister is ill sometimes and well at other times. Especially around the time the child is first diagnosed. They may be frightened that they will “get asthma too”. Might be jealous of the attention the child with asthma gets from you and others. May find […]


Plan ahead and organise your shopping trips. Avoid carrying heavy bags and only buy what you can carry without getting overly breathless. Consider getting a wheeled shopping trolley. Friends and family can also help by getting heavier shopping such as washing powder, cleaning products and tinned food. You may wish to think about ordering shopping […]

Other medicines

If you have allergies such as hay fever there are some antihistamines which are suitable for asthma and pregnancy – speak to your doctor about this. During pregnancy indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux are common (when stomach acid is pushed up in to your throat, irritating your airways and feeding tube or oesophagus) This acid […]

Your pets

A pet can be an important part of the family but what happens when your pet is making you or your families asthma worse? Not everyone with asthma has an allergy but if you do, any pet with fur, feathers or small animals in cages can make allergies and asthma symptoms worse. Your allergy is […]

Your pets

A pet can be an important part of the family but what happens when your pet is making you or your families asthma worse? Not everyone with asthma has an allergy but if you do, any pet with fur, feathers or small animals in cages can make allergies and asthma symptoms worse. Your allergy is […]

Difficult to control asthma – allergies

Allergies Allergens can be found in a variety of sources such as house dust mite, pollen and pet dander. If you are allergic to something, ongoing exposure can aggravate the inflammation in your airways and increase the severity of your asthma. Therefore, avoiding or reducing exposure to risk factors, when possible, can help improve asthma […]