Tag Archives: Asthma and pregnancy

During labour

If your asthma is well controlled there is little or no increased risk for you or your baby. Make sure you take your inhalers and asthma medication with you if you are admitted to hospital for the birth. Normal methods of pain control during birth are safe to be given to women with asthma. You […]

If you have severe asthma during pregnancy

You, your asthma team and your midwifery team should work together to help you during your pregnancy. You may need additional check ups such as lung function tests, spirometry or peak flow tests. You may also be offered additional checks for your baby such as ultrasound scans and checks for your baby’s movements and position. […]

A healthy pregnancy

In order to develop a positive self-management approach to your pregnancy you should follow all the health messages from your midwife and ante natal team: Avoid smoking or being around those who smoke Smoking makes an asthma attack more likely and an asthma attack can stress your baby. Smoking increases the chance of miscarriage, your […]

Other medicines

If you have allergies such as hay fever there are some antihistamines which are suitable for asthma and pregnancy – speak to your doctor about this. During pregnancy indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux are common (when stomach acid is pushed up in to your throat, irritating your airways and feeding tube or oesophagus) This acid […]