Tag Archives: Daily tasks

Why exercise and sport are good for children with asthma

Exercise is important for everyone and the good news for children with asthma is that it is good for them too. The benefits of exercise: Improves lung capacity. Manage their symptoms better. Easier to manage daily tasks. Increase their confidence. Less fear of breathlessness. Lift their mood. Improve strength, posture and flexibility. Improve sleep and […]

Where do I get help with daily tasks?

If you notice breathlessness affecting how you manage your daily living tasks, or if you would like further information or assistance to discuss any of these issues: Contact your local council social care services for assessment by an occupational therapist or social worker. Your GP or practice nurse can make a referral to occupational therapy […]

Where to get help

If you notice breathlessness affecting how you manage your daily living tasks, or if you would like further information or assistance to discuss any of these issues, please contact your local council social care services for assessment by an Occupational Therapist or Social Worker. Your GP or practice nurse can make a referral to Occupational […]


Plan ahead and organise your shopping trips. Avoid carrying heavy bags and only buy what you can carry without getting overly breathless. Consider getting a wheeled shopping trolley. Friends and family can also help by getting heavier shopping such as washing powder, cleaning products and tinned food. You may wish to think about ordering shopping […]


Put all the clothes you need together before you start. You could do this the day before or at a time when you have more energy. Choose clothes which are easier to put on. Stretch fabrics, loose fitting with few fastenings are often best. Polo type shirts are very easy. Slip on shoes, loose fitting […]