Tag Archives: Exacerbation

How can I join a pulmonary rehabilitation course?

Most health care professionals can refer you to pulmonary rehabilitation so make sure you ask them about it if you think this could help you. If you have an MRC score of 3 or above you can benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation (see below). Do not go to the gym until after you have been to […]

Amber – what to do

These changes may mean that you are developing an infection or exacerbation. You should increase use of your short acting inhaler, usually a blue inhaler. Rest while you can. Use your breathing techniques. Use your chest clearance exercises. Drink plenty of fluids, don’t get dehydrated. Eat small amounts often. Keep monitoring how you feel in […]

Family and friends

Even those close to you may not appreciate how your COPD is affecting you physically, emotionally and socially. Everyone leads a busy life and sometimes family and friends don’t offer help because they don’t know you need it or they don’t know how to help. Talking about what help you need or what you are […]

Caroline’s story – experience of recovering from an exacerbation.

The following story is from a real person called Caroline. She is 62 and has been diagnosed with COPD for 5 years. She is talking about her experience of recovering from an exacerbation. Duration: 3 minutes 35 seconds. This photo and audio have been recorded by an actor but the words are from a real […]

Going to hospital

Many people experiencing an exacerbation of their COPD will be able to have their treatment at home. However, if your GP is worried about you they may arrange for you to go into hospital. You need to be in hospital if your oxygen levels are low, or you are really breathless and not managing at […]


When you have been diagnosed with COPD, breathlessness is one of the main symptoms you will notice. You will experience breathlessness at different times of the day and sometimes it will vary in severity from day to day. Breathlessness varies with each person. It is important to know what is your usual or  your “normal” amount […]

Review of medication

At your annual medical review your doctor may discuss the following; How you are taking your medication. The dose of your medication. Any changes to your medication. If you have had a hospital admission or exacerbation you may be offered “stand by” or “rescue medication” to keep at home and take at the first sign […]