Tag Archives: Inhalers

15 years

Busy year at school with national exams. Don’t want asthma to interfere with their life. Often choose to use their inhalers and take more responsibility for this. Some teenagers will be tempted by risky behaviours such as alcohol, drugs or smoking. Look out for this as it can affect their asthma control and effectiveness of […]

2 – 3 years old

At this age children will question everything and push their boundaries. You still need to manage everything about their asthma, but they may question why they need more inhalers/medicine and sometimes they won’t be cooperative because they are too young to fully understand. Children at this age need to have an instant reward or consequence […]

What can you do to help?

Some ways you can help are: Remember to give your child their preventer in the evening. Avoid bringing triggers into their bedroom such as aerosol sprays, plug in air fresheners, pets, cigarette smoke. Keep room well ventilated. Avoid anything which causes dampness such as drying clothes in bedrooms or using a humidifier. This can lead […]