Tag Archives: Inhalers

Role of the family

It is your responsibility to make sure the school is fully aware of your child’s condition and they have the necessary medication at school. It is your responsibility to make sure medication is in school, fully labelled and still within use by date. Make sure you have signed the appropriate form to enable the medicine […]

Role of the school

Children with asthma should be easily identified, for example on the class register. Asthma education for staff members should be offered. An asthma healthcare plan or flowchart should be completed for individual children with asthma. A reliever inhaler and spacer for each child should be easily available for use in an emergency (not in a […]

What if my child is admitted to hospital ?

Occasionally your child may be admitted to hospital if they are very wheezy, their oxygen levels are low or they need help with their feeding. The nurses will make regular observations of your child’s temperature, heart rate, breathing and oxygen levels. Your child may be given extra oxygen if their levels of oxygen are low. […]

What treatment will my child need? Preventers

Your doctor or nurse may prescribe another type of inhaler which is usually brown in colour and taken every day even when your child is well. This inhaler is often referred to as a preventer inhaler and belongs to a group of medicines called steroids. Steroid inhalers reduce inflammation inside your child’s airways. This is […]

What treatment will my child need? Relievers

Your doctor or nurse may prescribe an inhaler called Salbutamol. Salbutamol belongs to a group of medications called ‘bronchodilators’, these are usually blue in colour and often referred to as ‘reliever’ inhalers. This inhaler contains a medicine to relax or open the airways and relieve the wheezy symptoms. Important It is important this medicine is […]