Tag Archives: Nebuliser

Medicine to treat an acute asthma attack

There is a standard method of treating an acute asthma attack. It consists of high dose reliever medication and steroid tablets. The usual reliever drug used is Salbutamol. It is delivered by a spacer device one puff at a time up to 10 times. Salbutamol may be given by nebuliser, there is a standard dose vial […]

Medication for your nebuliser

All regular medications to use with your nebuliser are available on prescription from the GP as long as the nebuliser has been prescribed for you. Make sure that you reorder in time to ensure that you do not run out of your medication. Do not order too many medications at one time. Medications have a use […]

What to do if your nebuliser breaks down

Keep a written plan in an agreed place (e.g. beside the nebuliser) of what to do in case of an emergency and the instructions for using your nebuliser. If the nebuliser times are becoming slower, for example > 10 minutes, clean the equipment and try again. If the nebuliser is still slow use a spare […]

Maintenance of a nebuliser

Check with your supplier how often you will need to renew all the disposable pieces (e.g. mouthpiece, mask, tubing, chamber). Change the filters in the compressor / nebuliser machine. Check how often you need to replace filters. (available from manufacturer). Arrange for the compressor to be serviced every year by the manufacturer or local service […]

Cleaning a nebuliser

A nebuliser should be cleaned regularly including the masks/ mouth pieces/ medication chamber.  If the nebuliser is not cleaned regularly the medication will take much longer to nebulise and use. Cleaning Clean everything daily if the nebuliser is in regular use. If the nebuliser is not used daily clean it after every use. Disconnect the […]

Instructions for use of a nebuliser

Before using the nebuliser, attach the medication chamber to the tubing and run the machine for a few seconds, to make sure the jet holes are clean with no obstructions. Empty contents of the nebule/medication into the medication chamber. Make sure that the mask, tubing and chamber are all attached and connected to the compressor […]

Advice for patients using a nebuliser

Background Most people with COPD will not need a nebuliser if you have a good inhaler technique which is effectively getting medication in to the lungs. You may use a nebuliser if you are admitted to hospital during an exacerbation. Once you have recovered you may not need a nebuliser at home. Nebulisers are used […]