Tag Archives: Occupational related asthma

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your asthma, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, asthma action plan and attending follow up appointments. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you […]


If you are of working age and you have been diagnosed with asthma you may be concerned about how this could affect your ability to work now and in the future. Ideally you should be able to continue working as long as your asthma is well controlled. Working for as long as you are able […]

13 – 14 years old

As they become teenagers they will be looking for control in their lives. Some may use asthma as a tool to gain control. Some may be in denial that they have asthma. Most don’t like to be different from other teenagers. Some teenagers forget or refuse to take regular inhalers for reasons above. This is […]

Recognising and diagnosing occupational asthma

Often, there are symptom patterns and signs characteristic of occupational asthma when there is no other explanation for these symptoms. Likelihood of diagnosis increases if symptoms include two or more of these are mentioned: Wheezing or wheezy sounds in your chest. Chest tightness. Cough. Shortness of breath. Low forced expiratory flow in 1 second (FEV1) […]

Symptoms of occupational or work aggravated asthma

Symptoms worsen while at work and improve or disappear when away from work. Symptoms may also improve with inhaler treatment, but can improve without medication if irritant exposure is reduced. Other symptoms: Rhinitis (inflammation inside nose causing sneezing, blocked, itchy and running nose). Conjunctivitis (often called Pink Eye, an infection between outer lining of eye […]

Health and Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive is an independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness. Their website has a section about asthma at work which gives lists of occupations and irritants at work. It also gives information for you and your workplace about occupational asthma and work related asthma. There is also an asthma quiz […]

Occupations and common irritants

Occupations which may trigger asthma include: Spray painter Baker Healthcare worker Chemical worker The isocyanides in spray paint may be a trigger. The flour and grain dust in a bakery may trigger asthma. Cleaning products and latex may be a trigger for asthma. Chemicals (anhydrides) in the plastic and drug industries are a potential trigger […]