Tag Archives: Pets

Your home

A good start is to restrict which rooms your pet is allowed in to. Living rooms and bedrooms which have a lot of fabrics and carpets will easily collect pet dander. Use a damp cloth to dust hard surfaces and floors regularly to reduce build up of dust and dander. You can never remove all […]

Your pets

A pet can be an important part of the family but what happens when your pet is making you or your families asthma worse? Not everyone with asthma has an allergy but if you do, any pet with fur, feathers or small animals in cages can make allergies and asthma symptoms worse. Your allergy is […]

Your home

A good start is to restrict which rooms your pet is allowed in to. Avoid letting pets in to living rooms and bedrooms which have a lot of fabrics and carpets which will easily collect pet dander. You can never remove all traces of dust mites. Use a damp cloth to dust hard surfaces and […]

Your pets

A pet can be an important part of the family but what happens when your pet is making you or your families asthma worse? Not everyone with asthma has an allergy but if you do, any pet with fur, feathers or small animals in cages can make allergies and asthma symptoms worse. Your allergy is […]


Many children are sensitive to pets and hairy beasties in their own home or when visiting other places. Cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and others can all provoke symptoms. Avoiding contact with animals is the best way of preventing these symptoms if your child is sensitive to animal hair. Think carefully about allowing […]