Tag Archives: Stop smoking

Other coping strategies

You may already be using strategies which help you cope, or have found you have no choice but to change your daily routines. Other people may have given you suggestions for coping strategies to help you to manage your breathlessness, symptoms and situations. There are many strategies which may be helpful and we would suggest, […]


Is your child exposed to smoking? If so how are they exposed?: Active? Is your child smoking? Passive? Is there someone at home who smokes when your child is in the house? Friends? Are they being exposed to second hand smoke from their friends? Family? Are they exposed to smoke when visiting other family? Does […]

Information and education sessions

Information and education topics are tailored to the needs of the group. Topics that the information sessions may cover are: How the lungs work. How to live well with your lung problem. How to manage a flare-up or exacerbation. How to clear your chest. Medicines and inhalers. Help to stop smoking. How to control your […]

Other coping strategies

You may already be using strategies which help you cope, or have found you have no choice but to change your daily routines. Other people may have given you suggestions to help you to manage your breathing control, symptoms and situations. There are many strategies which may be helpful and we would suggest, if you […]

Smoking and asthma

People who continue to smoke and have asthma will have: Worse asthma symptoms due to irritation from the smoke. More hospital admissions than non smokers. Risk more lung damage including developing COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Reduced effect from inhalers and other medicine. You may need higher does of preventer medicines to control symptoms. Smoking […]

When to stop?

At first it may feel overwhelming to think about stopping. Don’t waste time feeling guilty about the past. Think about the future. First of all you need to make the decision that you really want to stop. Only you know if you are ready to quit. Then get all the help and support you need […]

When to stop?

At first it may feel overwhelming to think about stopping. Don’t waste time feeling guilty about the past. Think about the future. First of all you need to make the decision that you really want to stop. Only you know if you are ready to quit. Then get all the help and support you need […]