Tag Archives: Travel insurance


Arrange full travel insurance as early as possible before going away. It is up to you to make sure that you inform the insurance company of your child’s medical history and answer all their questions honestly. Check that your insurance policy covers all of your child’s asthma and any other medical conditions. Withholding information may […]


Arrange full travel insurance as early as possible before going away. It is up to you to make sure that you inform the insurance company of your medical history and answer all their questions honestly. Check that your insurance policy covers all of your medical conditions. Withholding information may make your insurance invalid. Insurance companies […]

Things to consider before booking

Before booking your holiday you should consider: Are you fit enough to travel? What medications you need, and how they should be transported. Do you need any vaccinations? Do you have adequate insurance? Is your preferred destination & accommodation going to meet your needs? How will you get there? Have you considered possible additional costs?

Additional costs

In addition to your usual holiday costs such as your insurance, ticket, accommodation and spending money you may find some extra costs: Travel Insurance – this can become more expensive when you have a long term condition.  (Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland: Holiday Information [.pdf] and CHSS Travel and Motor Insurance) Transporting additional equipment such […]