Tag Archives: Vaccinations

Things to consider before booking

Is your child fit enough to travel? What medications will they need, and how they should be transported. Do they need any vaccinations? Do you have adequate insurance for all the family if they need emergency treatment? Is your preferred destination & accommodation going to meet your child’s needs? How will you get there? Have […]


If you are travelling outside of the UK you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world. Some vaccinations are free, but you may have to pay for others. For more information visit NHS Inform Talk to your GP, practice nurse or travel health clinic about […]

Things to consider before booking

Before booking your holiday you should consider: Are you fit enough to travel? What medications you need, and how they should be transported. Do you need any vaccinations? Do you have adequate insurance? Is your preferred destination & accommodation going to meet your needs? How will you get there? Have you considered possible additional costs?

Additional costs

In addition to your usual holiday costs such as your insurance, ticket, accommodation and spending money you may find some extra costs: Travel Insurance – this can become more expensive when you have a long term condition.  (Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland: Holiday Information [.pdf] and CHSS Travel and Motor Insurance) Transporting additional equipment such […]

Things to consider before making a booking

Are you fit enough to travel? What medications you need, and how they should be transported. Do you need any vaccinations? Do you have adequate travel and medical insurance? Is your preferred destination & accommodation going to meet your needs? How will you get there? Do you need oxygen while away? Have you considered possible […]

Flu Vaccinations

All children should have vaccinations for a variety of childhood illnesses at different ages. For example measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) Diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningitis and whooping cough. It is important that children with asthma have their flu vaccination. The advantages of getting your child vaccinated against flu include – Less time off school for […]