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- It may be useful to take all your inhalers and medicines with you. You may be asked to demonstrate how you are taking your inhalers to get the maximum effect from them. Note when and how often you take them. Have you had any side effects?
- If you have a diary with your symptoms take this with you. This can be really useful to spot any changes in your COPD.
- Think about how your COPD has been affecting you. Not only your breathing but tiredness, changes in routines, things you would like to be able to do but can’t any more.
- What do you want to ask? Never be afraid to ask questions. Perhaps take a list of important questions with you to ask when you see the specialist.
- Having someone with you at the appointment can be helpful, especially if you have difficulty hearing or understanding instructions. It can be difficult for anyone to take everything in the first time.
- Take a note pad and pen with you. You can write down important information or ask the specialist to write down the names of terms or medicines.