Asthma in the older person

8) What to expect after diagnosis?

  • Your healthcare professional should explain to you what the term ‘asthma’ means for you, as well as giving some written information or refer you to additional information like asthma websites.
  • You will be started on some treatment depending on the severity of your symptoms and shown how to use your inhalers correctly.
  • You should have an individual asthma action plan which you discuss with your health care team and use when you are at home.
  • You will be invited back for regular ‘review’.
  • You should have a partnership with your health care team and the opportunity to ask questions. You can share information about how your asthma is affecting your life at every consultation and at your ‘review’.
  • If you are finding daily tasks more difficult they could refer for equipment or help from social services to make daily life easier. This could include local services, benefits advice or support.


Remember NHS 24
The telephone number is: 111

Examples of Asthma Action Plans: