Relationships and asking for the help you need (COPD)

12) Quotes from people living with COPD

Man smiling

© Crown copyright 2009

  • “I found ongoing friendship and mutual support from joining local groups “
  • “The way to keep moving forward is to talk to others living with same condition”
  • “Look on internet, but only at the good stuff, e.g. Chest Heart & Stroke, British Lung Foundation, as lots of scary stuff out there!”
  • “In some situations you’re in, it can be hard not to become angry… what I really learnt through the training was to be assertive and not aggressive.”
  • “The Advice Line nurses spoke to me in plain English and not gobbledegook!”
  • “The group helps me to feel confident and gives lots of time for me to speak, with people paying attention and wanting to hear what I have to say.”
  • “With self-management I have a better understanding of my condition and am able to cope with it in a more positive way.”
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    Q2. Would you use the My Lungs My life site again?

    Q3. Would you recommend the My Lungs My Life site to others?

    Q4. Do you have COPD?

    Q5. Are you a healthcare professional?

    Q6. How would you rate this section? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)