How your child’s asthma affects you and the rest of your family

6) Where to get help

Family looking at a laptop computer

Family looking at a laptop computer

Extended family – grandparents, aunts and uncles, even close friends can all help to spend time with your other children when the asthmatic child is ill.

Social media – keep in touch with friends or other parents of children with asthma by using Twitter, Facebook or chat rooms such as Netmum’s. or Asthma UK has a discussion forum page on their website  This helps you to share experience with others who know what it is like to have a child with asthma and helps prevent feelings of isolation.

Healthcare professionals may be able to put you in touch with local groups or individuals for support or help you to get help with finances and benefits.

You have reached the end of this topic on How your child’s asthma affects you and the rest of your family. What do you want to do next?


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