Asthma, pacing and overcoming fatigue

14) Control your fatigue

Confidence, coping and control

Once you know how to pace yourself, set goals and control your fatigue you will start to feel:

Confident that you are going to be able to do the tasks which are important to you.

In control of your day, your mind and asthma.

Coping well on days when you feel good and coping with the days when you don’t feel so good.

The key is knowing when to rest and when to be active within the limits of your asthma. Aim to increase your activity and exercise over time to cope better with your fatigue. If you are having difficulty with this speak to your GP, practice nurse or respiratory specialist there are lots of ways they can help.

You have reached the end of this topic on Asthma, pacing and overcoming fatigue. What do you want to do next?


    Q1. Has the My Lungs my Life site helped you self manage your condition?

    Q2. Would you use the My Lungs My life site again?

    Q3. Would you recommend the My Lungs My Life site to others?

    Q4. Do you have Asthma?

    Q5. Are you a healthcare professional?

    Q6. How would you rate this section? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)